Monday, May 5, 2008

Before we go...

Ashley and I are about to leave for a 3 week adventure through China and Thailand, starting on May 10th with a 19 hour plane ride to Hong Kong. We are meeting our great friend Leon and his roommate Isaac, who are currently teaching English in Shenzhen, a ferry ride from Hong Kong.

We'll be traveling together to Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and Koh Tao.

In China, we plan to visit Tiananmen Square, Olympic venues, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall. In Thailand we are staying at an amazing beachside bungalow on Koh Samui(, attending the infamous Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan (, and diving off Koh Tao at the Japanese Garden site.

We will try to keep everyone posted as often as possible. All of our hotels should have internet access so we should be able to email often and Skype if anyone uses this (my screen name is Audge33183). Hope you all enjoy our crazy ride over the next 3 weeks. Much love to you all!

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