Saturday, May 24, 2008

Carnivale, Mardi Gras, Full Moon Party

Sorry for the recent absence we've taken from blogging, but our relaxation on the beaches in Koh Samui, Thailand have drained all of our humorous personalities. Much of our time here has been spent zip lining through the jungle (minus Ashley ;), jet skiing, riding our scooters around town, laying out, and trying to avoid the sauna-like environment that exists at all hours of the day. You can forget showering because as soon as you step outside the sweating begins.

The Thai food has been some of our favorite, but Ashley wouldn't recommend eating extremely spicey curry in 100 degree weather. Trust me, her taste buds revolted and her sweat glands lacked any control for a solid hour afterwards.

The Full Moon Party was the first night that we got to Thailand and we had to take a boat to Koh Phangan to get there, which takes about 15 mins. Of course we sit next to a group of French folks who didn't realize they were sitting next to some mildly obnoxious Americans. After a few "you want French kiss?" we were chanting USA and even giving GW a shout out (despite your political views, this was semi-entertaining due to the rise we received from our new French friends). Don't let me forget that in order to even get on the boat in the first place we raced on the dock while jammed like sardines = no bueno.

Now to the craziness (don't worry Mama Falk and Schellhas, we were well behaved)...upon stepping off the boat we had entered Vanderbilt's Sigma Chi paint party on crack times about 100. There were people all over the streets with neon body paint and buckets filled with your liquor drink of choice. The beach was overflowing with people and music. There must have been 10,000 people...not to mention the scattered bodies sleeping on the sand (you can only imagine how they "passed" out there), crowds of Europeans chanting drinking songs, and the unfortunate few who were not wearing shoes. We did our fair share of dancing (naturally) and made it home alive, safe, and covered in paint...

Since then, we've been bumming around the island and relaxing. Surprisingly, it's rather tiring being lazy in the hot sun all day. The only thing that might be more interesting than the people passed out on the beach were the "lady boys" (who were not as attractive as Leon led us to believe :) and amount of white guys here looking for a "wifey" (no additional comments).

We're off to Bangkok and we're praying that the shopping gets better, and by better we mean decent. So long for now...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

audgie: if you plan on continuing our friendship, you better pass along this and any other sunset pics...