Monday, May 19, 2008

Shanghai: Western anomaly

We took an overnight train from Beijing to Shanghai, which was surprisingly really nice. Ashley and I slept in a soft sleeper car with two Chinese men who didn't speak any English. We spent the whole night in the dining car eating fried rice (what I eat for almost every meal, literally), drinking a few Tsing Tao's, and playing card games.

Shanghai was definitely the most Westernized city in fact, the book Ashley has calls it the "whore" of China. We didn't do much site seeing here, but we did try to do some shopping until we realized (which we should have since we stepped off the plane here) that the Chinese have some of the worst fashion I have ever seen. I even tried to buy a pair of new running shoes since we've been working out or doing something active almost everyday, but the biggest size they have is a 7 so not condusive for us taller girls.

We went to some really cool bars, including a bar that had a view of the entire city. Our hotel was nice, but looked like a scene out of the Shining with a weird colonial feeling to it. Leon just chimed in and noted that Albert Einstein stayed in our hotel and was built in 1846 (thanks Leon). When we first got in only one room was ready, so we made ourselves comfortable, but as soon as the other room was available and we realized how much nicer that room was...Ashley and I gladly stole that room from them. Leon and Isaac deserve an award for how well they have handled Ashley and I together (I would explain more on that, but if you have ever witnessed us together, you know exactly what I'm talking about right now :).

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