Monday, May 12, 2008

In Hong Kong...

Well, it's 4am here and Ashley and I are already up after falling asleep at 7pm last night. I guess you can say that our bodies still haven't adjusted to the time change.

The plane ride was a little miserable, not going to lie. Ironically, Rachael Holbrook (Emily Verkamp's sister in law) was on my flight to Seoul. Such a small world sometimes. She was in first class and I on the other hand was in a middle seat next to a little Korean girl who wiggled around for 15 hours and picker her nose the whole time. Korean airlines might be the nicest airline that I've been on, the service was great and they definitely got a kick trying to watch me eat their Korean cuisine and figure out what exactly it was.

So I arrived in Hong Kong and somehow felt surprisingly well enough to hit the town a little bit. This city is huge and I've never seen more skyscrapers. We walked around yesterday, ate at an amazing Mongolian bbg spot, and took a cable car up to Victoria's Peak (the highest point in Hong Kong). Today we're going to Lama island for a hike to see the giant Bhudda and then going to the jade markets in the afternoon. The best part is that everything is sooo cheap!

While Hong Kong is great and kind of reminds me of an NYC over here, and I think we're definitely excited to head to Shenzhen (supposively has the best markets for bargaining) tomorrow, where Leon lives. The pollution is pretty bad and you definitely have to leave your manners behind when it comes to getting on the trains. There's no "excuse me Ma'am" or "ladies first"'s too each his own. So far it seems like the people are in their own world when walking around, it's bizarre, and I can't quite explain it. Thank God Leon is with us because he knows his way around so well...

Alright, we're about to get our day started so I'll write more later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ok dude? I know you're traveling away from Chengdu but wanted to make sure that the quake hasn't affected your trip.