Thursday, May 29, 2008


Once again its been a while since we blogged.. After a relaxing week spent in Thailand and a few nights enjoying the air conditioning in our Bangkok hotel, we headed back to Shenzhen. We spent the last two days doing some serious shopping.. China is no Paris, but they do have some amazing stuff here, if you have the patience to bargain for a good price and time to weed out the good fakes from the bad. Thank God for Leon because we would pick out what we wanted and then leave the store why he vehemently argued for a good price. Yelling would be concluded with smiles from both parties; we paid 30% of their original price and they would smile knowing that we just bought something for about 10 times its actual worth. But we have to give Leon credit.. all the Chinese people would tell us that he was great at bargaining. The guy would not back down.. there were def points we thought fists might be thrown. Pretty much everything in China is fake... but paying $10 versus $500 is very rewarding. Audge and I were in heaven with all the shops! We also came to the conclusion that we are significantly cooler after shopping and a few drinks.....

Our great day of shopping was also followed by the BEST MEAL EVER... i mean gluttony is a pretty good description for what took place at the table. People do eat some crazy stuff over here, but the Chinese food (esp Sichuan food) is incredible. If you are ever in China and have the chance to order green beans and eggplant, we highly recommend it!! We left China on a high note and were, honestly, sad to go.

Highlights of the trip: The Great Wall at Si Ma Tai, and Beijing in general because of all the history... our train ride from Beijing to Shanghai..the shopping in Shenzhen...the Full Moon Party...Singha (Thai beer), and Sichuan food.

Lowlight of the trip: Unbearable temperatures in Thailand, esp Bangkok.

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